Do you need help making the change you want to see in the world?

Our new social platform is designed as an eco system that connects like-minded women on a soul purpose mission to create change. Where you will connect and collaborate with ladies without competitiveness or judgement, for the greater good of all.

Share your wisdom, shine your light, inspire and empower others, test your ideas, and feel heard & supported.

There has never been a better time to come together to start or expand your vision.

“My mission is to empower 1,000’s of women
to drive a cause that lights them up,
so they may discover, build, or expand their
soul tribe and live the life of their dreams!”

— Michelle Pavel

Has your soul purpose journey felt lonely?

Would you like to feel safe to share your message, shine your light, and contribute to the greater good of self, the community, and humanity without feeling like you are doing it alone.

Collectively, we empower each other - not one above the other - to shine our light of wisdom and strength by sharing and listening with love. Allowing for the uniqueness of all of us and encouraging growth from a win-win perspective, to help us create the change we want to see in the world.

Now is your time to discover the buried treasure within.

Share your gold, so we all prosper from your message.

Where are you in your journey?

Do you share your soul purpose vision with your family and friends or do they think you are weird?

Are there things you would like to share but need to hold back because people think it’s woo woo or they aren’t vibing with you?

I get it! My friends and most of my family, don’t really understand why I feel driven to make a difference. They ask me why aren’t I happy with what I have now (just for the record, I am very grateful but that isn’t the point).

I ask you, why isn’t it ok to want more for yourself. To leave a legacy for your family. Why isn’t it ok to be unselfish and want to help humanity and not be solely focused on the boring daily grind, working for someone else for the rest of your life for what exactly 🤷‍♀️?

I want to be in control of my destiny and I want to help others reach their destiny as well. I believe this is now my mission, and here’s why…

One night I asked the Universe to bring some new friends my way. It was a little heartfelt ritual where I put in my order for likeminded, successful women to come into my space. I also asked for an incredible idea that will help me create a legacy that could involve my family and leave each of them with their own strong sense of purpose and drive.

Michelle Pavel - Society Principal

During the middle of the night I woke up inspired to create this community so I made pages of notes and went back to sleep 🙌.

I love connecting with women who get where I am at, who are on their own soul purpose mission to make an impact on humanity. I don’t need to justify myself, because you understand, you get me and I get you. We are here on this planet to make a difference, big or small. We also need help making that dream a reality.

I want to be in the company of other women who are ready to achieve their purpose. I want to nurture, strengthen, uplift, empower, and support other women who are on a mission to create something amazing for themselves, their community, and humanity.

One massive thing I noticed is when we are on a mission to achieve something bigger than us, we have so many blocks to success. So many sabotage patterns. So many limiting beliefs. If you have lots of those you know your soul is screaming out for you to create a life of purpose that supports the healing of others and helps you achieve your dreams so now is the time for you to join our Society to nurture, expand, empower, and realise your potential and your dreams!

If this resonates with you, read on.

Connect - Collaborate - Cocreate - Manifest

Create your own content with articles, events, workshops, host your own groups, follow topics and group content, follow members, receive customised notifications, and so much more.

All Members that follow your content will see it. No algorithms, no rules, and no priority preferences.

Access via app and desktop.

Discover, Build, and Expand Your Tribe.

“I would love this community of like-minded, beautiful, inspired, mission driven ladies to light up the world with their gifts with the support, guidance, empowerment, and collaboration of Society members.

Together we can make a difference. There has never been a more aligned time to achieve your purpose."

— Michelle Pavel


This is for you!

I have created the Mission Driven Women Society to bring together women who are like minded successful, purpose driven professionals for the experience of elevation, support, inspiration, motivation, mentoring, a little luxury, lucrative collaborations, & nurturing.

This women’s group will be like no other you have experienced and I am opening this society to founding members now.

Join other mission driven, fempreneurs in a community that is designed to cultivate ideas for personal and business growth through authentic discussions, events, courses, collaboration, and networthing.

This is what I need to succeed in my mission, and it is what you need to support yours too?

It’s not just business, it’s personal.

Michelle xx


Our Society

This Society is specifically designed for conscious fempreneurs on a mission to achieve their purpose.

We expect our community to include women who are passionate, purpose driven, inclusive, nurturing, and collaborative just like you and maybe like no one else can be in your life.

We welcome women who desire to be aligned and supported by other women who are also on their own hero’s journey… looking for authentic connection, inspiration, guidance, friendship, and collaboration.

Are you searching for a sounding board, constructive feedback, personal and business insights, spiritual connection with your purpose, pampering, guidance, and growth.

Are you searching for a community that supports your purpose like you support others on their path, without judgement, criticism, and a competitive mindset?

Is contribution and connection something you desire to have with likeminded women? If yes, we invite you to apply to become a member.

What makes this community different?

This Mission Driven Women Society received divine intervention. I asked for a friendship group and an idea to create a legacy that will support my family for generations. I was inspired in the middle of the night to establish this feminine, luxurious, nurturing, collaborative community for women with a soul purpose to create something bigger than themselves. Where we could reconnect to our feminine side and feel like we did before we had all the masculine commitments of life. You know, when we danced a lot, laughed a lot, and felt vibrant.

As I started to consider what I would like, I thought it would be nice for a community of ladies to get together surrounded by pretty things and a little luxury. Where we could dress up and feel beautiful and elegant or relax in casual wear and not feel like we are out of place. An environment where we go the extra mile so you feel heard and supported and each time you experience the community you feel valued.

Where there will be live in person and virtual events that consist of…

  • networthing social meetings (yes that is a new word I invented to help you increase your networth through collaboration and connection)

  • mastermind session

  • focus groups

  • discussion groups

  • luxury retreats

  • community and social events for fun and business.

It is my vision to bring beauty, elegance, and love into your experiences within the community. So if that sounds like fun to you, we would love you to apply to become a member.

Our Creed

The role of the Divine Sisterhood is to empower all - not one above the other. Together we grow in wisdom through listening, sharing, and allowing for the uniqueness of all beings. Encouraging all to grow from a win-win perspective, without competition or judgement.

This Society was created to help you realise you have the power to change and manifest your desires, to create the reality that you're wanting to live by finding that inner peace and allowing space for healing. We pledge to give you opportunities to learn and grow from the wisdom of the Society and for you to share your wisdom and offer you voice to create your legacy.

By agreeing to this Creed, you agree to become a Soul Sister of this Community where you will be asked to elevate, uplift, empower, nurture, support, connect, and inspire Members to be their best, so together we can all achieve our purpose, whatever that may be - big or small.

Note: Although this Community is identified as being for women, we welcome all mission driven souls on their purpose journey.

-Michelle Pavel, Society Principal

By clicking “Apply Now” means you agree with the creed and would like to proceed with the application.